So it has finally arrived, the New Year is here! New Year, New beginnings, New challenges, New anything and everything!
Nowhere is it written in stone that you have to set resolutions for the new year.  Of course with the anticipation of a “New Year’” there comes the mind set of change, and hope, a new chance to get it right, to do better, to feel better and these are all great intentions, just don’t confine yourself to a “resolution list.”  Have some freedom, and have some fun with it! Life is short so live it.  It’s always good to have goals, no matter what time of year it is.  Goals help us to stay on track and give us incentive to strive to be better and to do more.  So just do it, stop waiting for tomorrow, or the New Year, or the right time or the right whatever, just do it now and believe that you can, then anything is possible.

Fear can get in the way of so many things, a new career, a new love, a new pair of shoes!  Sometimes we don’t go after what we really want because we act out of fear.  But if you really think about it, what is the worst thing that could happen …rejection maybe.  It’s ok.  GO after it anyway.  Be BOLD, buy the shoes, try on the dress, make the call, go on the interview.  Take a risk.  Don’t have expectations, just have confidence.  If you don’t get the response you want, then chalk it up to a learning experience and move on to the next.  It’s empowering just knowing you took the step forward.  Life is about the ride, the ups and downs, the circles and crazy twists and turns.  Enjoy the ride and don’t take yourself so seriously.  Break the rules. Be easy to laugh and quick to smile.   Give generously, forgive easily, hug tightly and love deeply. Embrace change and move forward with a confident march in your stride.  Savor the moments while you’re in them and build a lifetime of memories that you can reflect back on.  No one is perfect, we are all a work in progress and along for the journey in this life. 

So put your hands in the air, breathe, dance to your own beat, even if you don’t have any rhythm, find your own rhythm, it’s what makes you YOU! 

Amanda Tease
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