To Label or Not to Label
Label or not to Label? That is the question ladies. Chanel, Jimmy Choo, Dior, Miss Me, BCBG and
the list goes on and on. Labels are nice, yes, they are also expensive, and not
always necessary. Don't say that out loud during fashion week in New York now,
but whisper it to yourself often. Let's face it, most of us are on a limited
budget these days, especially when it comes to spending it on ourselves. BUT,
you can still find FABULOUS clothes, shoes, accessories and keep some money in
the bank too. I am not saying you do not
deserve a “splurge” once in a while, because you do, you must, because you are
Here are a few websites that
can help you save in style: Chiq, Just Fab, and Shoe Dazzle. TIP: When you
register on Shoe Dazzle, it will ask you to make some fashion selections, when
you are finished it will save your style preferences and send you their latest
items based on you! How awesome is that?!
Happy shopping and saving ladies, and remember fashion can be bought,
but style you must create and make your own.
Dare to be Fabulous!
Amanda Tease
Fashion Stylist
Amanda Tease
Fashion Stylist